The Swimming Scoreboard Template pack includes the following templates:
✨Countdown template
✨Competition presentation, for presenting competition, event or heat.
✨Daytime presentation
✨Name presentation
✨Record presentation
✨Scoreboard for timekeeping, result- and startlists, and victory ceremonies
Template details and settings
Template is used for all three of the Sport in the Box buttons “Competition”, “Event” and “Heat” presentations.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
Override competition logo uses image in template settings over competition logo set in Swimming Settings in Sport in the Box. Images are 1600x280px format.
⚙️ Sponsors
3 different sources for the images, which determines the names of the files you want to use. Sponsor logos uses 240x120px in png format.
Eventnumber: Files should be named with [eventnumber].png, e.g “14.png”.
Static image: logo 1: Set the chosen image in “Logo 1” setting below. Shows the same image regardless of event. Can use different format than png, but needs to be an image.
Event sponsor (only Swimify): Files should be named same way as sponsors are named in Swimify Meet Manager, e.g “IC Control Media.png”
Remember setting the folder where the images are stored on the computer.
Countdown template can be used to show countdown to the end of warmup or any other time you want to countdown to. The time is set in the Swimming Settings, where the main text to display during countdown will be set as well as what text should be used after countdown.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
Override competition logo uses image in template settings over competition logo set in Swimming Settings in Sport in the Box. Images are 1600x280px format.
Template used for displaying current time. In template settings you can also write a custom text to display together with the time and competition logo.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
Override competition logo uses image in template settings over competition logo set in Swimming Settings in Sport in the Box. Images are 1600x280px format.
✨Name presentation
Present swimmers either with entry information or results.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
Show points
Points can only be shown if you are using Swimify Meet Manager/Timekeeping. There are three different modes to show points:
AQUA Points - overrides any settings in Swimify Meet Manager/Timekeeping and shows AQUA points for all swimmers, regardless of if they are para swimmers or if the event is sorted by AQUA points
WPS Points - overrides any settings in Swimify Meet Manager/Timekeeping and only shows WPS points for para swimmers or in para events, disregarding if event is sorted by AQUA points in Swimify
Control by Swimify - this setting takes in account if sort by AQUA points is selected, then AQUA points will be shown for all swimmers in that event. Otherwise, if the event is a para event or the swimmer is a para swimmer the WPS will show. If neither applies, no points will be shown.
None - Shows no points
⚙️ Club logo / flag settings
Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:
Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname
Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
Uses png files.Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.
⚙️ Profile pictures
Show an image or video next to swimmer name. Images in png format and video needs to be webm format to work.
File source names can be set to match files in your chosen folder. Not all options work with all data handling systems, so check what is used at your competition to be sure it is going to work well. All empty spaces in texts will be replaced by “_”, so make sure to name the files correspondingly.
[country_short]_[license] – e.g: “SWE_AA0000”
[country_short]_[id] – e.g “SWE_199”, where id is the id used by the data handling system.
[club_name]_[name] – e.g “Stockholm_Swimclub_Jane_Doe"
[license] – e.g “AA0000”
[id] – e.g “199”, where id is the id used by the data handling system.
⚙️ Sponsors
3 different sources for the images, which determines the names of the files you want to use. Sponsor logos uses 240x120px in png format.
Eventnumber: Files should be named with [eventnumber].png, e.g “14.png”.
Static image: logo 1: Set the chosen image in “Logo 1” setting below. Shows the same image regardless of event. Can use different format than png, but needs to be an image.
Event sponsor (only Swimify): Files should be named same way as sponsors are named in Swimify Meet Manager, e.g “IC Control Media.png”
Remember setting the folder where the images are stored on the computer.
✨Record presentation
Present swimmer with result, and a custom text field for result.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
⚙️ Club logo / flag settings
Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:
Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname
Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
Uses png files.
Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.
⚙️ Profile pictures
Show an image or video next to swimmer name. Images in png format and video needs to be webm format to work.
File source names can be set to match files in your chosen folder. Not all options work with all data handling systems, so check what is used at your competition to be sure it is going to work well. All empty spaces in texts will be replaced by “_”, so make sure to name the files correspondingly.
[country_short]_[license] – e.g: “SWE_AA0000”
[country_short]_[id] – e.g “SWE_199”, where id is the id used by the data handling system.
[club_name]_[name] – e.g “Stockholm_Swimclub_Jane_Doe"
[license] – e.g “AA0000”
[id] – e.g “199”, where id is the id used by the data handling system.
Show competition schedule with starting times and event names.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
⚙️ General content settings
Heading – chose what should be the heading of the template
Hide events in past time to only show future events
Start from row nr lets you skip events and hide any events before a certain row
✨ Scoreboard
General scoreboard for showing timekeeping, start- and resultlists as well as victory ceremony.
⚙️ General styling
Set background & text styling
Edit or disable wipe logo
⚙️ Club logo / flag settings
Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:
Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname
Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
Uses png files.
Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.
⚙️ Points settings
Points can only be shown if you are using Swimify Meet Manager/Timekeeping. There are three different modes to show points:
AQUA Points - overrides any settings in Swimify Meet Manager/Timekeeping and shows AQUA points for all swimmers, regardless of if they are para swimmers or if the event is sorted by AQUA points
WPS Points - overrides any settings in Swimify Meet Manager/Timekeeping and only shows WPS points for para swimmers or in para events, disregarding if event is sorted by AQUA points in Swimify
Control by Swimify - this setting takes in account if sort by AQUA points is selected, then AQUA points will be shown for all swimmers in that event. Otherwise, if the event is a para event or the swimmer is a para swimmer the WPS will show. If neither applies, no points will be shown.
None - Shows no points
These settings are applicable in victory ceremony, result lists, and at finish during timekeeping. You can choose to display points differently in all three of the modes.
Running points are a separate setting, making it possible to show calculated points during a race. Points are only visible during the last lap if this setting is activated. Can be used both with WPS or AQUA points.
⚙️ General content settings
Show last laptime and distance – Hides club name during timekeeping and gives space to show splits
Show note or qualification on result list – 3 choices for displaying extra information on result lists, qualifications to finals, notes for example record note, or both. The information will only show if existing.
OBS: Not all systems have a note field or a qualification field. If the system does not have it, it won’t show.
Show lanes on result list – Overrides note setting and shows lane number.
Running time - Select how the running time should stop. Only applicable on some timekeeping systems.
Distance column at finish – select what data to display in the distance column at finish, either distance, WA points or WPS points. Only applicable on some result handling or timekeeping systems.
Use timer for auto hiding splits - Hides splits after a number of seconds set in the setting below. Next split will be shown for the same amount of time. Disabling this setting makes the split times show always.
Relay Teams
It is possible to show swimmer names during race, instead of relay team name. This is either static – showing the swimmer’s name during their whole race, and switching at take over or finish -, or it is timed and only shown a few seconds after each split.
At finish the swimmer’s name will be shown for an adjustable amount of seconds, before the name switches back to relay team name.
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