How to show World Para Swimming points or World Aquatics points
Prerequists: Using Swimify Meet Manager as data handling and timekeeping controls.
When showing points the template will use either WA points or WPS points. The templates defaults to WA points, if no WPS points exist.
Scoreboard templates
Points can be shown in resultlists, in victory ceremony and at finish in timekeeping.

Three settings under the category “Points” control when to show Points.
To show points when a heat finishes, select Points as option under “Show Points or Distance at finish”. When showing Points, the distance column is replaced with points.
Toggle points on victory ceremony or resultlists on the corresponding settings.
When using Points the columns for name and club are slightly thinner, to avoid long club names being squeezed you can try using ClubShort or one of the other options in Club name source setting. Club name source settings is found under Club logo/flag setting.

Name presentation
Enable showing points above result by toggle “Show points”. If the swimmer is para swimmer, their para class will show next to the points. Para class shows always, it will not be disabled with points.

TV templates
Showing points in TV graphics shows the points as an additional part of the row, identical to if a swimmer has a record or other note.

Name presentation

Enable showing points above result by toggle “Show points”.
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