Athletics TV template pack includes the following templates:
✨ Daytime template displaying current time and competition logo.
✨ Name presentation for introducing individual athletes.
✨ Running Time template, showing running time clock.
✨ List template for displaying start- and resultlists, as well as victory ceremonies.
✨ Timekeeping template to use during race, showing running time and results in real time.
Template details and settings
All templates share some settings that works the same way.
⚙️ General styling

Set background styling for all graphic elements, possible to adjust text and background colours.
Adjustable scale to zoom the template.

✨ Daytime
Daytime template showing current time, logo and optional texts.
⚙️ Daytime settings
Competition Logo settings, by default the template uses the image chosen under “Athletics Settings”, but there is the option in the template settings to override competition logo and chose a custom image.

✨ List
Display startlists, results list and victory ceremonies.
⚙️ General settings
Enable/Disable showing status field, will show note of WR etc if available.
Auto hide after 10 seconds hides the template to automate template flow.
Use medal colors shows the number 1, 2 and 3 in gold, silver and bronze when showing the victory ceremony.
⚙️ Club logo / flag settings
Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:
Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname
Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
Uses png files.Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.
Customize Wind label.
⚙️ Sponsors
3 different sources for the event sponsor images in the header, which determines the names of the files you want to use. Sponsor logos uses 240x120px in png format.
Eventnumber: Files should be named with [eventnumber].png, e.g “14.png”.
Static image: Set the chosen image in “Static image” setting below. Shows the same image regardless of event. Can use different format than png, but needs to be an image.
Event sponsor (only Swimify): Files should be named same way as sponsors are named in Swimify Meet Manager, e.g “IC Control Media.png”
Remember setting the folder where the images are stored on the computer.
Competition Logo settings, by default the template uses the image chosen under “Athletics Settings”, but there is the option in the template settings to override competition logo by chosing a custom image.
Possibility to add a logo to show at the bottom of the list.
Separate settings for lane sponsors, which will be shown on each lane in startlists. Images must be numbered same as the lanes and be found in the folder decided in the settings.

✨ Name presentation
Name presentation template for showing individual athletes, both with results and before start.
⚙️ Club logo / flag settings
Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:
Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname
Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
Uses png files.Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.
⚙️ General and Labels
Settings for all labels, to customize language or texts. Rank, Lane and Wind labels are customizable.
Enable/disable showing wind information
⚙️ Sponsors
Option to show sponsors for each lane. Uses lane number as identification, e.g. “1.png”. All images should be png format and the source folder can be set in a separate setting. Images should be 240x120px.

✨Running Time
Showing running time and pausing on split.

General template for showing timekeeping, shows the heat information as well as running time with splits as they happen.
⚙️ General styling
Set colors for all parts of the graphic as well as text colors and style.
Possibility scale the template for smaller or bigger resolutions.
⚙️ General content settings
Show event – Gives you the power of deciding where the plate showing event name should be placed.
Number of splits to show & number of splits per column
Used to distribute rows of splits. Adjustable to balance the columns depending on number of lanes being used.
E.g: A competition with 10 lanes would show 10 splits in 5 splits per column, to make the columns even in size. When using 8 lanes, show 4 splits per column to balance the height.
Splits hide time – Determines how long the splits should be shown after the first split has shown.
Running time - Select how the running time should stop. Only applicable on some timekeeping systems.
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