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Athletics Scoreboard - Settings Overview - Tietokanta / Template packs / Athletics - Sport In The Box Support

Athletics Scoreboard - Settings Overview

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Athletics Scoreboard template pack includes the following templates:

✨ Daytime template displaying current time and competition logo.

✨ Name presentation for introducing individual athletes.

✨ Running Time template, showing running time clock.

✨ Scoreboard for displaying start-, result- and timekeeping lists, as well as victory ceremonies.

Template details and settings

All templates share some settings that works the same way.

⚙️ General styling

  • Set background styling. Option between using the default image, transparent to use as overlay or a custom background image or video.

    • Using custom image/video the source file needs to be set. For video to work as background the video format needs to be webm.

  • All texts colors can be customized!

  • All templates can adjust the wipe logo when the template is started, add a custom logo or adjust color on the wipe.

✨ Daytime

Daytime template showing current time, logo and optional texts.

⚙️ Daytime settings

  • Template setting for entering the lower text field.

  • Competition Logo settings, by default the template uses the image chosen under “Athletics Settings”, but there is the option in the template settings to override competition logo and chose a custom image.

    • The image has a maximum space of 1600x280px.

✨ Name presentation

Name presentation template for showing individual athletes, both with results and before start.

⚙️ Club  logo / flag settings

  • Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:

    • Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname

    • Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
      Uses png files.

    • Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.

⚙️ Labels

  • Settings for all labels, to customize language or texts. Rank, Lane and Wind labels are customizable.

✨Running Time

Showing running time and pausing on split.

⚙️ General settings

  • Add competition logo by setting it in the “Corner logo” setting. This will be shown in the top left corner.


Display startlists, results list and victory ceremonies. Can also be used during Timekeeping to display results in real time.

⚙️ General settings

  • Show last laptime and distance will show time for splits and the distance in which they were made, if that information is available.

  • Show lanes on result list will enable showing lane number when showing results.

  • Running time - Decide when the running time in the right hand top corner should stop running: never, on first athlete or on last athlete.

⚙️ Club  logo / flag settings

  • Two main modes for image shown as club logo or flag:

    • Show flags – uses flags from SIB Flags folder, using NationCode as flagname

    • Show club logos – uses images from folder in separate setting to display as club logo. Adjust club logo source to change what the file name should be like, e.g Nation for “Sweden.png” or ClubShort for “HS.png”.
      Uses png files.

    • Adjustable sources for club name to account for different data coming from different data handling systems. That way, it is possible to show nation or club name.


  • Customize text for Start list, Results, Official and Wind labels.

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